Reverse Where Is Waldo (GMTKJam2023)
Made in 5h (+3h postjam) for the GMTKJam2023 (theme: "Roles reversed"). Started very late sunday on the last day of the jam, could have used 1-2 more hours to be okay-ish for the deadline! So I wasn't able to submit on time... but I missed it in the most hilariously dramatic way 😂
Pictured : sadness
How to play
You are Waldo! Every 10 seconds a magnifying glasses searches everywhere for you! Hide!
After 8 seconds a yellow path appears and shows you where the magnifying glass will go.
After each search, the glass will move faster, and will do more complex paths to search for you.
- wasd/direction arrows : move
- spacebar : zoomin/out
Press Space to start the game!
Post-Jam Version & bug fixes
- [v1] fixed web version not loading!
- [v2] restart button added at the endadd multiple points to magnifying glass paths (it's too easy without this, I know!)
- [v2]
BUG: sometimes magnifying glass doesn't move - [v2]
BUG: sometimes instant game over??
- [v3] NEW fixed lines! They should look better and correspond to where the glass is exactly going now!
Upcoming (if there's interest) :
- sounds!
- todo : fix the corners of the screen (too easy for now!)
- Todo: make it harder to stay on the same spot
- feedback after not getting spotted!
- Teleport doors!
- risky bonus : when you are on a yellow line, gain points?
- dash button (maybe when you dash too much you leave behing glasses, a hat etc and the magnifying glass can look around where those are?)
- better graphics! (roads! landmarks! interesting stuff!)
- better path / more interesting magnifying glass "ai"
- randomly generated city?
Development log
- Postjam version releasedJul 16, 2023
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Personal best : 30 (v3)
Personal best : 14 (v2)
ça reste bloqué :/
"Loading game for the first time..."
fixé! mais il reste encore plein de bugs^^
parfait! ça marche !
wouah! c'est..... c'est trop bien ! XD